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Generate more B2B meetings with your personal AI Agent for sales.

Improve your conversion rates by 3x and more with prioritized buying signals. Empower your team to generate more pipeline.

"I wake up with a list of highly relevant signals and prospects, saving me hours on research and personalization every day. This is the future of sales!"
Mattia Schaper
Founder, SDRs of Germany
Trusted by 100+ clients

Never miss an opportunity

Act on your prospects' most relevant buying signals delivered to you in real time.

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Accelerate your prospecting with real-time buying signals

Your personal AI Agent empowers you and your team to convert your pipeline into revenue.

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Prioritized daily activities

Receive a daily overview of your most relevant prospects based on real-time buying signals.

Execute communication

Engage prospects seamlessly across LinkedIn and email with self-learning messages.

Monitor your performance

Track your performance and analytics to optimize results.

Trusted by industry leaders

honeysales improves sales performance by taking the
guesswork out of prospecting.

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ARRtist Circus uses honeysales' personal AI Agent for their outreach.
ARRtist Circus is the biggest German festival for revenue teams.
SDRs of Germany recommends prospecting with honeysales.
SDRs of Germany is the largest sales community in the DACH region.
Severin Mitterwald
"Wir konnten schon nach kurzer Zeit unseren ersten Deal mit honeysales closen und hatten dadurch einen 50% schnelleren Sales-Cycle".
Dr. David Hanisch
Managing Director @ Schmitts Katze
“I am very happy to recommend the guys around Stefan and Daniel. A clear 5-star rating.”
Markus Buschmann
Chief Operating Officer
"Through honeysales, our outreach workflow has become much more efficient. We now target leads only when they are truly relevant, which has significantly increased our conversion rate."
Mario Chialdini
Super helpful for our sales. Plus a very friendly and competent team!
Matthias Alefeld
"I've been working with HS for over 18 months and hopefully for much longer! The service is great, the support is first class and the colleagues there are super nice. Just try it :-) !"
Lars Krüger
Co-Founder elearnio
“That's (honeysales) absolutely hot, because very few people make the effort to go that deep and targeted.”
Bernhard Hörmann
“Great team, individualized and dedicated support. Really helped us a lot with our expansion into Germany.”
Lea Buecker
Head of Sales
"I sent 14 messages via Honeysales and got 3 responses which resulted in 2 meetings... within the first 15 minutes! 😍"
Benjamin Ries
Dieses Tool verändert meinen Sales Alltag... Wir sind grad bei ca. 6% CVR, die Nachrichten gehen automatisch raus und lernen mit der Zeit auch dazu.

Turn selling into your competitive advantage with our AI Agent.

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